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Celebrate Black History Month By Donating to These 10 Charities

During Black History Month, it's important to keep the ongoing fight for equality of Black individuals at the forefront of our minds. Donating to a charity that helps uplift the Black community across the country would be one way you can join this fight.

Here are ten charities you should consider donating to.

Donate To These 10 Charities This Black History Month

Black Lives Matter 

We have seen the words “Black Lives Matter” on social media a great deal in recent years, but it’s much more than just a hashtag: The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. works to eradicate white supremacy in the United States, as well as the United Kingdom and Canada, by addressing acts of violence against the community and creating a space for Black individuals to live healthy, joyous lives.

TransWomen of Color Collective (TWOCC) 

This organization is dedicated to helping transgender and gender-nonconforming people of color through services designed to uplift and affirm them on a daily basis. These services include an education fund that assists young people in the LGBTQ+ community who have endured bullying in school, a survival fund that supports those who need assistance getting their daily needs met (such as meals, hygiene products, household bills, and clothing), and a wellness fund that provides free community events to promote the health and wellness of the community. 

National Black Women’s Justice Institute 

The National Black Women’s Justice Institute, or NBWJI, addresses the disparity that Black women and girls, as well as gender-nonconforming people, face when dealing with the criminal justice system. The organization conducts research about the impact of the criminal justice system on the community, provides training and assistance for organizations and programs, and offers policy solutions advocating reforms that promote the safety of Black women and girls.

Know Your Rights Camp 

From New York City to Oakland to Miami to Baltimore, the Know Your Rights Camp organizes education events for young people from Black and Brown communities to help them become knowledgeable and empowered change leaders for the next generation.


This organization is dedicated to helping rid workplaces of gender-based discrimination and creating a society where everyone is able to be successful in the workplace, regardless of race, sexuality, gender identity, or socioeconomic status. Some of the services provided include a legal defense fund for low-income women and people of color who have been the victims of sexual harassment and retaliation in the workplace.

Black Girls Code

Black Girls Code is working to increase the number of women of color in STEM-related fields by exposing girls from the age of seven to 17 to computers and technology. The organization has a goal of providing technology training to one million girls by 2040.

100 Black Men of America

This group has been working to improve the conditions of Black men since 1963. With 100 chapters around the country, the organization focuses on the unique needs of men in specific communities and provides services such as leadership, mentoring, health and wellness, economic empowerment, and education programs.

Thurgood Marshall College Fund

Since 1987, the Thurgood Marshall College Fund has acted as the voice for member schools, which include Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs). Since its inception, the organization has provided over $300 million in assistance to students that attend its member schools, which has resulted in thousands of students earning degrees on the undergraduate and graduate levels.


Founded in 1944, UNCF provides over 10,000 college scholarships to Black students each year and since its inception, it has raised over $5 billion that has helped more than half a million students get the college education they needed to go on to become leaders in the community. The organization also supports a network of 37 HBCUs and acts as an advocate for the importance of minority education and community engagement.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) has been working to achieve racial justice and equality since it was established in 1940. The organization offers litigation, advocacy, and education services designed to help eradicate disparities and achieve racial justice in America.

Celebrate now by donating

Although now is a great time to donate to these charities individually, it’s also important to show your commitment to diversity and inclusion by giving money as an organization. Not only will this benefit the organizations you choose to support, but it will also demonstrate to current and future employees what your workplace values and is dedicated to helping uplift the community. 

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